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Yard Maintenance Expectations
Published: August 09, 2024
I hope this message finds you well. As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure Sutton Fields remains a beautiful and desirable place to live, we wish to remind all homeowners of the importance of regular yard maintenance, as outlined in ARTICLE V of our community's Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CCRs).
Maintaining Your Lot: It's essential that each homeowner takes responsibility for mowing, edging, and trimming their yard regularly (one should expect to do this weekly but at a minimum every two weeks). These actions not only contribute to the overall attractiveness of our community but also play a vital role in maintaining property values and ensuring neighborhood safety. Please remember:
- Grass should not exceed six inches in height.
- Edging along street curbs is necessary to keep our streets neat.
- Replacing dead vegetation promptly helps keep our community vibrant and attractive.
Why It Matters: A well-maintained lot reflects the pride we take in our community. It creates a welcoming environment for all residents and visitors and helps prevent issues that can arise from unkept yards, such as pests and vermin.
Need Help or Resources? We understand that yard maintenance can sometimes be challenging. If you are facing difficulties or need guidance on proper lawn care techniques, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are more than willing to provide resources or discuss how we might assist you in keeping your lot in great shape.

If you have any further questions or comments, please send our office a message through Sutton Fields HOA, Homeowners Association, City of Celina, Texas, HOA, Contact Us.
Sutton Fields HOA